September 27, 2010

Meet Reed, Thank You Austin, Forgive Me Blogosphere.

After 41 weeks of waiting and growing giant-sized with a grand finish of enormous stretch marks, I now have a son who toots on me daily. I couldn't love him more. His name is Reed Austin and he is the single reason I haven't written in say...oh, a lot of weeks.

I haven't done anything as insane as become a mother since I married. After marrying my husband (who I am convinced is mostly saint) I was in shock for six months. The single life I'd known was gone. For the first time I was accountable to someone other than myself. It freaked me out. Some panic attacks followed while my saintly husband patiently waited it out. Then, things got good. Then, they got great. Six years later we have a son.

Our house is now filled with baby noises. We have a jungle gym in the living room along with a car seat. A squirmy, warm body with big beautiful eyes toots on me at every feeding. And I'm exhausted. Sometimes I shower and sometimes I don't. Sometimes we bathe him and sometimes we don't. Life is now taken in moments, day by day because we're never really sure what it will hold. For me that's probably the best part. The surprise of a new day when, after an exhausting evening of little sleep, I wake up and my son is doing something new. Grabbing a toy, looking more alert, growing every day. Honestly, this is the best journey I've ever been on.

Saturday was my sixth wedding anniversary. Thanks to toots-a-lot I didn't get hubby more than a kiss and hug. So I'd like to take a moment to thank the man I love. Austin, you're the best husband and father I could ask for. Remember, "grow old with me, the best is yet to be."

After weeks of sabbatical, I hope (fingers crossed) to be a more diligent blogger. Again, remember the "day by day" thing. Reed and I will do the best we can.


  1. Happy Anniversary, Leigh and Austin! And I love this post. It's so real and sweet. Hang in there! And keep thinking those toots are cute...LOL

  2. That might be the best post ever...

  3. Yay, you're back! What a wonderful, heart-warming post. I'll bet that's the best possible present you could have given Austin. Can't wait til Reed is, oh, let's say 16, and hears that the first post his mom made about him dubbed him Mr. Toots-a-lot! Miss you!
